A Forest Awaits . . . Horse Girl’s Nirvana!

Happy New Year to all!

I wanted to post something today, New Year’s Eve, 2023, in honor of the 11th year Anniversary of this Soul Horse Ride Blog!

In looking over some earlier, unpublished drafts, I found this sweet missive, written from a magical ride on my homebred Shire-cross mare, Fae.

So here’s some inspiration to cheer on the rides and horse-interactions we can look forward to in 2024!   DawnHoof


McGill Trail, Mt. Pinos; Los Padres National Forest, California. Fall, 2019:

Imagine a pristine fall day, clear skies in all directions. Golden hues. Warm sun. Not the slightest breeze.

Fall colors on Mt. Pinos

Imagine a real-life Pegasus with rocking-horse canter. Not prone to spooking, but steady, ready. Ears forward, eager to tackle the trail.

Atop the mare, a snug Australian saddle, covered in fleece. Comfy. Ready to keep our Horse Girl Adventurer safe. Secure.

Fae and Dawn

Now imagine a vast, endless forest, with a world-class single-track trail traversing the side of its great mountain shoulder.

Mt. Pinos slope

Vistas abound: distant peaks, hidden valleys, secret animal trails. Late-day sun drapes shadows down the ridgeline, streaking patterns of dark and light.

McGill Meadow trees

Above, trees the size of skyscrapers. Below, delicate ground foliage expressing fall’s full color palette.

Fall groundcover on Mt. Pinos

Oh, and might I mention, not another soul in sight. The mountain today, normally riddled with off-road mountain bicycles, is all ours!

Treeline at The Lookout

Put the these rare-as-gold elements together, and you have a recipe for Horse Girl’s Nirvana!

McGill Lookout Mt. Pinos


“Silent Film” Shadow Show

It doesn’t happen just anywhere — the conditions have to be right. (I’ve experienced this phenomenon a few times before, always end of day, with the light at low angle — and in the fall.)

But it always blows my mind!!!!

Shadow cast on White Fir

Today, in one steep section, it happens!

Our moving shadows drape down the slope, and pop onto the foliage, creating the illusion of an old-time silent movie.

Below me, my horse-shadow alights, briefly, onto a tree in the foreground.

Next moment, farther down the drop-off, we leap onto a bright Ceanothus.

Then flash back onto a dark faraway trunk.

Now we’ve popped up close again.

Fae shadow on Ceanothus

What a strange illusion!

Dark. Bright. Here. There.

Hopping. Skipping.

Foreground. Background.

As if projected onto a 3D screen — flickering outlines of horse and human . . .

In an ephemeral  symphony of shadow and light.


I watch as the shadows appear, disappear, reappear.

Fleeting as Life itself.

Our elongated images illuminate onto the landscape, as surely as would a leaping doe, rabbit, coyote, or bear.


But who sees the shadow-movie of the bear?

Would it be as the sound of one hand clapping?

What trove of images does the cellulose of this forest hold?


Because we are traversing their world.

The world of unseen creatures that live here on fleet feet.

None standing still — but ever moving, ever restless, like my horses when I ask for a halt.

Shadow tree

For the animals seem to know, instinctively, that all Life is movement.

Like they know, even in stopping, there is no real standing still.

(When the movie stops, the audience leaves the theater.)

Like we know, watching the hands of time.

Watching the sun track across our sky.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Watching my own strong hands, my own horses’ hooves . . . as they age, and slowly fade.

Strong hands, soft on the reins

We know, one day, the film will end. We will run out of celluloid.

Live today, Horse Girl Adventurer.

Get off your comfy couch — get out and ride!

Take in Nature’s silent film beauty, and watch with awe.

View from McGill trail


So I paint a snapshot of my ride today, so that I may always remember. So that I may always have Fae, and the magic of our forest, ever with me.

Fae on the trail

For Life is fleet. One day, Fae will no longer be here. And I want to know that I didn’t let her go to waste, but enjoyed her movement. Her intelligence. Her willingness. Her majesty.

Fae on the McGill Trail

My Pegasus mare — Fae has the smoothest canter of any horse I’ve ever ridden, in my fiftysomething horse years!!!!!!! (That’s saying something!)

Shadow tree Fae

What a riding partner! Her canter’s surging motion both gentle and smooth, big and strong. Just what a canter should be.

Fae by Lacey's spooking rock

Light as a feather for being so large (nearly 16 hands high, size 5 shoes!). Willing to stop or slow at my slightest shift in thought and body.

Willing to go, and keep going, rounding each dip or turn in the trail with surefooted perfection. Sheer delight!

Forest Shadow Fae

Oh Fae. My Fae. My Faerie. My love!

May I forever savor your movement. May I forever savor your Silent Movie.

Horse Girl’s Nirvana ~ indeed :))

View from McGill trail


Update, Winter, 2023:

Oh yes, I remember this ride! And so many other rides with the Silent Film Shadow Show, leaping, popping light-shows to my great surprise and delight.

Fae was just 18 at this ride. Now she’s 22, and sound and strong as ever. (See my Post, Treasure of my Heart for more on Fae.)

Happy Horsing to all, and may we treasure the horses and saddles, freedom and goodness they represent!  

You might enjoy reading my first Post, Aladdin’s Wings, from 12/31/2012


Golden Oak


Copyright 2019, 2023

Photos: Dawn Jenkins


Lani Kai Cloud

Please also visit my Life Blog, Journal of Dawn ,

for Strategies and Insights into the

Journey of Life


Rick and Lad

Join Dawn for a Soul Horse Ride!  Experience the thrill of becoming one with your Horse . . . Join Dawn and her homegrown herd for a  Soul Horse Ride in the Frazier Park Outback!

Call to book your Life-Changing Adventure today:  (661) 703-6283



December 31, 2023 · 5:39 pm

7 responses to “A Forest Awaits . . . Horse Girl’s Nirvana!

  1. Inksiotty! Berlin

    Soooo lovely! Enjoyed the little read and memories of the ride you brought me on for my 30th Birthday to the top of the mountain looking over Trancas! What a thrill it was for me! And your shadows on the trees, etc in these photos are magical! Happy New Year to You & Yours…🌲💚🎶Riki

    • Ah, Riki! Thanks for the read, and reaching out :)) I’m glad this ride awoke your memory of Trancas and so many years ago . . . It’s so great to share the fabric of our lives. I remember the English Bobby whistle you brought back from your year abroad in High School — all our teenage letters and phone calls, giggles and tears, and later sharing birth and death, and finding peace with where we’re at today. You are a rich fiber in my weave! Let’s talk soon so we can catch up. ❤❤❤ Dawn

  2. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2024 with many more Nirvana-like moments.
    And congratulations on your blogiversary!

    • Thank you, Tanja, and to you, too. I had a dream last night in which I hugged a woman and was so happy to see her — “You are my WordPress friend!” I told her — maybe you beamed into my dream :)) Sending you hugs, and happy to have you as a WordPress Friend! Dawn ❤❤❤

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