Shoeing in the Shade

Oh the feeling of wonder — green leaves fluttering
    From towering cottonwood trees above —
The bliss, the beauty, of shoeing in the shade!

Some horses, some days, some conditions
    Line up just right — just as we all imagined when
The career of “Farrier” first entered our thoughts.

Yet oh so few are idyllic. Oh so few leave us whistling,
    Serene, happy — not just with our hoof-bound
Accomplishments, but also feeding our hearts and souls.

I had such a day recently, in the calm shade of afternoon,
    Accompanied by a soft-temperament, willing horse . . .
A dog curled up nearby; a hen, scratching for worms.

Cats prowling the yard; the “cheep, cheep.” of a killdeer.
    A soft wind blowing kisses. Winter’s rain and snow
Far behind us, fallen limbs cleaned up. Blue skies abound . . .

Oh to be a farrier on a day such as this! May I carry this
    Feeling into my next account — when the heat of summer
Tempts me to wish I were home, here — shoeing in the shade!




Copyright 2024
Photographs: Dawn Jenkins (DawnHoof)


Please come over to Dawn’s Life blog — Journal of Dawn
for Strategies and Insights into the
Journey of Life.


Join Dawn for a Soul Horse Ride!  Experience the thrill of becoming one with your Horse . . . Join Dawn and her homegrown herd for a  Soul Horse Ride in the Frazier Park Outback!

Call to book your Life-Changing Adventure today:  (661) 703-6283










June 20, 2024 · 1:14 pm

12 responses to “Shoeing in the Shade

  1. Wonderful imagery. Gorgeous friend waiting in the shade!

    Hope to ride with you someday! Lots of love, Linda

  2. Beautiful! Can just imagine the cottonwood leaves drifting down. Love the killdeer addition 😎❤️

    • :))) Thank you, Darryl. Yes, the killdeer come this time of year. Sometimes there are tiny chicks, and they dart around, fluffy and adorable. The dog and cat and chicken (only one right now, the coyote got the others), along with the calm steady horse made it very special. And the cottonwoods are about twenty years old now — dense foliage, and huge!!! :)))

  3. It sounds so idyllic, Dawn. May you have many more days like this.

  4. Riki

    Gorgeous Poem!!!!! 





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  5. I have a special memory of them. When I was a kid, we’d play “ghosts in the graveyard” at night when the moon was full. Running through pastures, bathed in the silvery light, with their calls… it was magical ❤️😎

    • A great memory. They have a mystical quality — perfect for a graveyard! I believe they are related to plover birds that migrate to Hawaii from Alaska — they have the same mysterious look. feel and way of moving through grassy areas.

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